Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Buy a Digital Camera - What You Need to Know

How to Buy a Digital Camera - What You Need to Know

I  know it is hard to decide how to buy a digital camera, with all the different brands, models, and styles, there are to choose from. Not to mention finding a reputable place to purchase your camera. After all, if something happens to go wrong, (which seldom happens if you stay with a proven brand) you need to know you can get prompt reliable service. Before you jump in feet first and buy a digital camera you need to ask yourself a few questions.

What is your budget? Price is going to be a determining factor in which style of digital camera you will end up buying. If you are on a limited budget, of lets say, below 0.00. Your best bet is to stay with a higher quality point and shoot digital camera, or a high quality used dSLR camera. Just be sure to stay with a good name brand like Canon, Nikon, Pentax, or Kodak. I personally use all Canon equipment, and have for 30 years, without ever having a problem.

What style of camera do you want or need? If your a novice or if you just want total ease of operation, then a point and shoot camera with auto exposure and auto focus is the way to go. The newer point and shoot digital cameras have larger high quality image sensors and produce images of saleable quality. So if you happen to get lucky you might even make a buck or two. Just make sure the model you choose has an optical zoom lens and not a digital zoom. Digital zooms use a smaller portion of your image sensor and produce a lower quality image. If you stay with digital cameras with optical zoom lenses you can get some high quality photos with a point and shoot digital camera.

If you want more creative control and higher quality photographs a digital SLR is a must have! A Digital Single Lens Reflex camera (dSLR) is the only way to go if you are going to get serious, and want total control of how your photos turn out. Rather than just relying on the camera to take the picture you have complete control. There are some very distinct advantages to using an SLR style camera. First you can have interchangeable lenses. Next you have the option of shooting in either automatic or manual mode. This will give complete control over how your photograph turns out. Now if price is an issue, you can find some very good buys, on high quality dSLR cameras. usually has very competitive pricing and a great support system.

In Summary: Decide what kind of camera style you prefer and what features you really need or want. Read a few reviews on the different digital camera models and find a camera within your budget. Then make your purchase. You'll be glad you took the little extra time to find exactly what you wanted.


I recommend taking some professional lessons to get the most out of your photographic experience. There are some very good, inexpensive online photography lesson plans available. Finding the best digital camera buys and studying a good photography lesson plan can be quite rewarding, both emotionally and financially. You may even be fortunate enough to turn your photography hobby into a rewarding profession like I did.

Interchangeable Lens Camera

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