Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sony Digital Camera - From Mavica to Translucent-Mirror Technology

Sony Digital Camera - From Mavica to Translucent-Mirror Technology The year 1981 was the benchmark year for the Sony digital camera, when the company introduced the prototype Mavica (Magnetic Video Camera)...
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best SLR Digital Camera For 2009

Best SLR Digital Camera For 2009 Digital SLR comes from digital single lens reflex, which is named this way because of the mirror that sits behind the lens of the camera and sends the light to the viewfinder. The...
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Better Photos From Better Cameras - Digital SLR Cameras For The Masses

Better Photos From Better Cameras - Digital SLR Cameras For The Masses Digital single lens reflex cameras (aka DSLR) are the newest rage in photography. While they have always been the choice of professionals,...
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Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Take Great Pictures With a DSLR Camera - 5 Tips

How to Take Great Pictures With a DSLR Camera - 5 Tips Do you have a DSLR and want to make the most out of your photos? These tips will help you do just that. With DSLR cameras becoming more affordable,...
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Digital Camera History

Digital Camera History The digital camera is a development of the videotape recorder (VTR), wherein the data of television cameras are turned into digital and stored in a magnetic tape. It was John Mullin,...
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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Impressive Digital Cameras Best Buys On The Market

Impressive Digital Cameras Best Buys On The Market The Sony Alpha NEX-3 is one of the more impressive digital cameras best buys on the market. It is small and very compact, but the size is not reflective...
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Choosing a Camera - Point and Shoot or Single Lens Reflex

Choosing a Camera - Point and Shoot or Single Lens Reflex At some point and time, all those who take pictures or are interested in starting to take pictures will need to decide which type camera they...
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

EVIL Cameras - A Formidable Foe To The Modern Day DSLRs

EVIL Cameras - A Formidable Foe To The Modern Day DSLRs Some of you may have already heard about them. For those who haven't, these systems are a new breed of cameras that share similar functionalities...
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Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Get the Best Depth of Field - Wide Angle Vs Telephoto

How to Get the Best Depth of Field - Wide Angle Vs Telephoto As someone who is passionate about, you are probably interested in knowing how to include more depth of field in your photos. There is a lot...
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Engagement Photography Tips, Article 1

Engagement Photography Tips, Article 1 Professional Thoughts Engagement photos from a professional can be very expensive. Many of the top pros charge a session fee in addition to very expensive reprint...
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sports Photography Tips

Sports Photography Tips It's that time of year again, no matter what time of year that is,it's the beginning of one sport or another. Are you ready to capture that big hit, winning basket, or 50 yard...
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Friday, December 9, 2011

Evolt E510 - The Olympus SLR Camera For Pros and Amateurs

Evolt E510 - The Olympus SLR Camera For Pros and Amateurs I've been using the Evolt E510 Olympus SLR camera for about a month now, and I wanted to share my impressions and evaluations to help those who...
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tips On How To Buy A Digital SLR Camera

Tips On How To Buy A Digital SLR Camera For many years the SLR film camera has been the choice of both amateur and professional photographers alike for the best and most versatile camera equipment. And...
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Digital Prosumer Cameras for Birders or Bird Photographers

Digital Prosumer Cameras for Birders or Bird Photographers Digital prosumer cameras are very convenient and rather small and compact cameras that have a great potential as part of the basic birding equipment....
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Digital SLR Camera Reviews - Best Picks

Digital SLR Camera Reviews - Best Picks A digital single lens reflex camera is an incredibly versatile and flexible piece of photographic equipment that can help you take the best photos of your life....
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Buy a Digital Camera - What You Need to Know

How to Buy a Digital Camera - What You Need to Know I  know it is hard to decide how to buy a digital camera, with all the different brands, models, and styles, there are to choose from. Not to mention...
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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photo Safari

Photo Safari Travel photography is a great way to appreciate your time away from home. When you look for things to photograph it heightens your level of observation and makes you more aware of your surroundings....
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Friday, December 2, 2011

Digital Photography - SLR Vs Point and Shoot

Digital Photography - SLR Vs Point and Shoot Since the very first digital camera was released to the public, we have fallen in love with the convenience and photo quality of these cameras. Like all computer...
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Perfect Cycling Eyewear

The Perfect Cycling Eyewear Cyclists should think about protecting their most delicate body parts whenever they are cycling. This is why they should procure the proper cycling apparel and gear that fits...
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